I’ve Been Injured On-The-Clock Do I Qualify For Workers’ Comp In My State?

Asking for legal help can seem like a losing battle sometimes.

First you need to find the right lawyer to address your case. After that you have a mountain of paperwork to fill out, calls to make, and questions to answer. This doesn’t even scratch the surface when it comes to adhering to state laws and potential court hearings. When you’ve been the victim of a personal injury and want to make things simpler, not harder, it’s time to visit your local law firm. There’s a lot to keep track of and there’s no shame in admitting you need a little help.

From medical malpractice to car accidents, here is a basic rundown of what you should know before reaching out for help.

Quick Facts About Personal Injury

It’s important to move forward with practical knowledge, not sensationalist misconceptions. First things first: personal injury is a very common issue in the United States and nothing you should feel ashamed for considering. When y

The Frequency of Divorce and The Need to Improve the Process with Divorce Advice

The Frequency of Divorce and The Need to Improve the Process with Divorce Advice

Divorce has such a strong presence in the U.S. that it occurs roughly once every 36 seconds. This means that about 2,400 divorces happen daily, 16,800 weekly, and 876,000 divorces annually. Considering the depth of this issue, there becomes a great need for divorce advice for all of these couples and families.

The Cost of Divorce

One of the most common needs during the divorce process is the divorce attorney. Questions of property can be a great challenge, especially when there is a home, and even more so when there are children who add the need for a custody battle. In addition to work with attorneys, there is time needed to make all agreements. The longer a divorce takes the more expensive it can become, averaging about 15,000 to 42,500 dollars in the United States.

The Need for Divorce Advice

While a divorce attorney may not necessarily be the one to provide either party proper divorce advice, there are many sources that can help with this as well. Some

Have an Invention? You Need Patent Protection!

If you have an valuable idea or invention, you may have thought about obtaining a patent to protect it. However, filing for patents can be tricky to navigate on your own, and if done incorrectly you could be denied. Having a patent attorney on your side can help streamline this process, and ensure the protection of your intellectual property.

What Qualifies For A Patent

Before we jump into what a patent lawyer can do for you, here are the basics of what qualifies for a patent in the United States.

  • The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states that a patented idea or invention must be “new and useful”. This means either the machine or idea must be completely original, or serve a specific function.
  • The invention must also be an obvious progression on something that has already been patented. This means if your invention improves upon something that already exists it more than like