Month: November 2018


5 Common Injuries That Result From A Car Accident

Did you know that car accidents are one of the most common reasons you may end up in the ER? On top of that, nearly 20% of federal personal injury lawsuits are a result from vehicle crashes. It’s no wonder so many people refer to a car accident lawyer following a wreck.     Injuries […]

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Intellectual property practices
Patent application
Patent attorneys in colorado

4 Ways A Patent Can Help You Protect Your Ideas

If you have created a new product that you want place on the market, you’ll want to protect your hard work. Patents are designed to protect ideas, products, and procedures. According to Legal Magazine, if you’re going to protect your idea, you can use the services of a patent attorney. A patent gives the inventor […]

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Car accident lawyer
Car crash

Finding a Lawyer After a Car Accidentq

Today, American roads go everywhere and allow any private or commercial driver to get wherever they need to go, whether across long interstate highways or inner city roads, but the unfortunate truth is that sometimes, accidents will happen on these roads and people may get injured or worse. When this happens, whether a car or […]

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