It seems like something that nobody wants to talk about. When either you or someone else gets hurt at work, it can very easily become a subject that is taboo.
If we get hurt, we don’t want to seem as though we are taking advantage of anyone. We don’t want to be seen as taking advantage of the system, milking it for money so that we don’t have to work. That is not the impression we want to give. At the same time, injuries do occur in the workplace and when employees get injured, something has to be done to make sure they are being taken care of.
If you get injured on the job and are in need of assistance, it is important to know that you have people who can help you sort through all of the difficult legal and contractual complications that are all a part of the process.
The place to begin is by finding a lawyer who knows the workers compensation claim process. A workers compensation law firm is one that specializes is helping the clients get what they need when it comes to putting their lives back together after a work accident or any other type of injury at work.
Any good workers’ compensation lawyer can tell you that workers who are injured on the job should have their medical costs paid for 100% and should also have cash payments issued to them for lost work time after a waiting period of anywhere from three to seven days.
In 2013, 917,100 on the job injuries and sicknesses resulted in employees missing work. On average, men and women missed roughly eight days of work in 2013 due to occupational injuries. many of these employees are hourly workers. That means that if they are out of work due to an injury or illness, they can’t punch the clock and don’t get paid.
A quality lawyer who works in the field of workmans compensation already know what you know: If you were injured while at work or got sick from something you were doing on the job, it is the responsibility of the employers workmans comp insurance to cover your pay for the time you are lost.
When you are sick or injured on the job, you cannot continue to perform your duties. This is going to leave you without the ability to get to work and punch the clock, hence, no pay. The laws are set up to protect you from such situations and the best workmans compensation lawyers will be there to help you navigate those difficult times.
If you are laid up at the hospital or at home, the last thing you want or need to be doing is trying to figure out how you are going to pay your rent, mortgage, or other bills. You were injured at work. The law is on your side.