Understanding the Importance of Trial Experience for a Personal Injury Attorney


About 95% to 96% of personal injury cases are settled pretrial. As a result, many people don’t feel as though it’s necessary to prioritize trial experience when finding an attorney at law to represent them. But this isn’t exactly the case. About 52% of personal injury cases related to motor vehicle accidents, but regardless of the type of personal injury case you need a lawyer for, choosing one that has experience with going to trial is always ideal. Here’s what you need to know about the importance of trial experience as it related to overall client success and satisfaction.

High Settlement Potential

First, many lawyers agree that those with sufficient trial experience are more likely to get a higher settlement for their clients — even if the case doesn’t make it to court. This is evidence that reflects that lawyers with trial experience often have a better understanding of the legal system in regards to personal injury cases and settlements. This is because preparing a case for trial typically requires more thoroughness and attention to specific details of the incident. And while it’s not a hard and fast rule, it’s typically a trend that lawyers with trial experience can get their clients a higher settlement, regardless of whether or not the case actually goes to trial.

Better Briefs

It’s often said that lawyers with trial experience can write better briefs than those without. Take it from the law blog Above The Law:

“A ton of firms apparently don’t have any lawyers who can write at all, let alone well. And many firms have hordes of lawyers who can write in “big firm mediocre,” but can’t produce briefs that get up and dance on the reader’s desk. Few people have the ability to write truly persuasive briefs, just as few people have the ability to try truly great cases,” writes Mark Herrmann.

With that in mind, it’s no secret why lawyers with trial experience are the most highly sought after.

Sends Powerful Message

A more subtle yet still substantial benefit of choosing a lawyer with sufficient trial experience is the message it sends. You’re showing the other party that you’re not afraid to fight what could be a long and tedious legal battle.

Ultimately, understanding these benefits of choosing a lawyer with trial experience can help you choose the right attorney at law for your case.


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