Protecting The Elderly Against Negligent Care


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Our elders are people we look up to. They are those that have raised us, inspired us, and have melded us into the adults we have all become. What they have handed down is invaluable. To imagine that we would allow anything unfortunate to happen to them sounds ludicrous; however, the sad truth is that this happens every single day.

Negligence while caring for the elderly is a far too common thing. Consider the fact of how often our own government lets these people down, not planning for their futures and neglecting to prepare benefits for when they cannot provide for themselves:

  • Nearly 65% of beneficiaries, 65 million people, receive half of their income from the Social Security Administration (SSA) (2013)
  • 2.75 million people who were retired received benefits from Social Security in 2012
  • Social Security funds are ever-depleting nowadays, and a 2014 study conducted by the Pew Research Center showed that 50% of Gen Xers believe there will not be enough funds for them in the SSA

If the government can’t seem to provide the funds and care for our elderly — the care that they deserve, how can we expect any smaller organizations to do so?

Nursing home negligence is a serious problem in this country. Nursing home negligence is the act in which nursing home caretakers abandon their duties required in taking care of their patients/tenants. It should bring personal shame to know that people who are beginning to have trouble taking care of themselves, those that have been put into homes so they might be properly taken care of, are shirked, left to their own devices, of which are beginning to falter and fail.

You should know that if you have an elderly family member living in a nursing home and facing nursing home negligence, you can look into hiring a personal injury accident legal team, one that can properly represent your at-risk family member. If they have been injured while under the care of nursing home staff, particularly if they injured themselves while staff were neglectful of their actions, you should contact a personal injury lawyer.

These accident claims lawyers will work to seek compensation from nursing homes over the negligence of their employees and management. You’re already paying enough for your family member to be taken care of; nursing home negligence shouldn’t even be a consideration in enrolling your family member into a home.
If your elderly family member is hurt while under the care of a negligent nursing home staff, contact a local personal injury lawyer and seek compensation for their failure to provide proper care.


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