Are You Thinking Of Filing For A Divorce? Seek Out The Aid Of A Family Lawyer


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Filing for a divorce isn’t easy. When you’re already dealing with the fallout of a long-term relationship, knowing where and who to turn to for a low cost divorce can be one of the biggest challenges on the way to getting your life back. Thankfully, to choose a divorce lawyer in America is to choose from thousands of different professionals all working night and day to provide people like you the help you need. They’ll guide you through the legal process, help you submit your papers in a timely fashion and assist with additional challenges such as child custody, real estate and therapy. Take a look below at marriage and divorce rates in the United States, common issues facing couples filing for a low cost divorce and where you can get started today.

Marriage And Divorce In America

Marriage has been on a significant decline in the past few decades, with many experts citing cultural shifts and economic struggles as primary reasons for the change. Women have been found to file for the majority of divorces, at around two-thirds, and it’s estimated there are two divorces every minute in the United States alone. Couples who dated for at least three years before becoming engaged were found to be 40% less likely to get divorced than those that dated for a year. While the average age for marriage in the 50’s was in the early twenties, it shifted to mid-twenties in the modern age.

Child Custody And Support

A frequent cause for concern with divorcing couples is finding a middle ground with child support. Factors such as payment and family meetings can be better organized with the help of a family lawyer. When fathers and children live separately, for example, 22% of fathers will see their children at least once per week. Nearly 30% of custody cases had a decision made without third party involvement, with around 5% resolving a child support case after a custody evaluation. Some of the most common causes for divorce include, but are not limited to, infidelity, drug abuse and alcoholism.

Causes For Divorce

Although there are many reasons for divorce, there are a few commonalities. Couples’ therapy is designed to help couples decide whether or not their relationship can be salvaged, offering them mental training exercises and lifestyle changes through the recommendations of an experienced psychologist. Around 20% of adults have reported they divorced due to incompatibility, with another 10% citing drinking problems or drug abuse. The vast majority, however, is due to infidelity. If you’re unsure where to begin with divorce papers or distributing assets, seek out a family lawyer to help you get started.

Filing For A Low Cost Divorce

The first step on your priority list should be seeking out legal aid for divorce. The vast majority of couples filing need a divorce lawyer to better help them navigate the legal system and reach a smoother, more satisfying conclusion. The cost of a divorce lawyer depends on the nature of the situation and how many people are involved, though many offer free consultations to give you a better idea of where you’ll be starting. There is a zero to six month waiting period on average after the divorce petition is submitted before it becomes final, though this can vary depending on your situation. With the help of a family lawyer, filing for a low cost divorce and getting your life back together is well within reach.


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