5 Important Steps to Follow After a Car Accident


While it isn’t something you want to think about, car accidents can happen to anyone. The safest drivers can become victims to a distracted or careless driver within a matter of moments. In fact, statistics show that 3 million people throughout the United States are injured each year in automobile accidents. Therefore, it makes sense to find out what to do after a car accident. With that in mind, here are five important steps to take after being involved in an automobile collision.

  1. Evaluate the Situation

    Immediately after a car accident, you’re likely to feel shaken up. Therefore, it’s important that you take a moment to compose yourself. This ensures you’re not quick to react to what is already a stressful situation for everyone involved. If you’re physically able to, step out of your vehicle and assess the situation. After you have an idea of how serious this accident is, it’s time to make an important phone call.
  2. Contact the Police

    Next, it’s imperative that you call the police. If the accident you’re involved in is serious, this allows emergency medical services to arrive. You might also need to contact the police if the situation with another driver needs to be deescalated. In addition, you’ll want to contact the police if you suspect the other driver is drunk. Statistics show that the average drunk driver drives 80 times before their first arrest. This could be the time that a drunk driver is caught and sent to jail.
  3. Get the Other Driver’s Information

    It’s imperative that you’re able to obtain the other driver’s information. This should at least include obtaining the other driver’s name and insurance provider. It’s always recommended that you document as much as possible about a car accident. If you have your smartphone with you, consider taking pictures of your vehicle. Certain insurance providers now include apps that walk you through the steps needed to document and report a collision.
  4. Visit a Medical Facility

    The aftermath of car accidents to vehicles is fairly obvious. However, the extent of damage these events can cause to drivers isn’t often as apparent. Therefore, what to do after a car accident is to seek out medical attention. If the accident you’ve been involved in is severe enough, an ambulance might be called for you. After an accident, many people feel more adrenaline than normal. Therefore, this often means that severe pain can set in after you’ve returned home. Bearing that in mind, don’t give any information about your condition to the other driver including stating that you’re fine or alright.
  5. Find a Lawyer

    Statistics show that 52% of all personal injury cases take place due to automobile accidents. Considering that statistic, it makes sense to contact a personal injury lawyer after an accident takes place. A personal injury lawyer can help ensure you know exactly what to do after a car accident in order to receive the best possible outcome.

In closing, it’s understandable to wonder what to do after a car accident. One of the most important steps to follow after your accident is to contact a lawyer. An automobile accident attorney will be able to provide you legal knowledge throughout the duration of your accident claim. In addition, having a lawyer on your side is wise while not wanting to deal with the other party’s insurance provider. It’s important to understand that car accidents are extremely seriously and potentially costly situations. Therefore, it’s always wise to have a lawyer on your side while dealing with the aftermath of a car accident.


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