On the surface, many court cases can seem like an easy open and shut decision. The fact of the matter is, however, not all court cases are that simple. Sometimes, in fact, it takes an experienced attorney to find out that the driver who caused a car accident had a complicated or unknown history that was not already on the record. And while many accidents may appear like they were no one’s fault. There are often mitigating circumstances that create may have led to the reckless driving of the person who caused the accident.
Perhaps, for instance, the distracted driver had just been fired from a job, was driving when he was upset, and was shouting his frustration to a friend or family member on the phone. Without this knowledge, the innocent victim might have to have her insurance pay for half of an accident that really could have been avoided. Finding attorneys who are experienced in doing their research and successful in their efforts to help find complicated or unknown history information may help you get the settlement that you deserve.
Just as there are often unknown facts in a personal injury accident, there can also be unknown facts in state legislative history that can help a congress person either support or go against a bill. Knowing about these facts, however, can sometimes be a challenge. For this reason there many law clerks whose jobs are to use the latest legal research tools and find the needed information.
Consider this review of the legislative process and the additional information about the many federal statutes and regulations that play important roles in the laws that are passed in local, state, and federal courtrooms:
- The U.S. Constitution was created more than 200 years ago.
- Once a proposed amendment makes it through Congress, it must be ratified by three-fourths of the states.
- As of today, there have only been 27 constitutional amendments.
- State courts have looked to evidence of legislative intent in construing state law for more than 100 years.
- The majority of U.S. lawyers (28%) are 45 to 54 years old, according to a 2005 American Bar Association (ABA) study.
- U.S. lawyers were 70% male and 30% female, according to another part of the 2005 ABA study.
Having a talented crew of legal clerks who understand how to use the latest legal research websites is invaluable.