If you are a lawyer, an employee of the justice department, or just a concerned citizen, there are legal business magazines online and in print to satisfy your need for specialized news and editorials on the American legal system. However, there are two legal magazines which are better well known, and may be more useful to you than others. One of them is currently active, the other only exists in an archived format online.
1. Legal Times Magazine
This legal magazine concerns itself primarily with national news as well as news from Washington. With a section dedicated to legal business you can browse editorials discussing different legal practice areas, growth strategy for your legal business, billing arrangements, and receive other insights from managing partners in Washington. If you own your own business, then this section in particular is invaluable.
There is also a section of the website dedicated to classifieds, and legal jobs. If you are interested in upcoming seminars or round tables all you need to is check on their Events section. You can also find supreme court news and analysis that you can be sure is not covered on your major television stations.
2. Legal Affairs Magazine
Legal Affairs Magazine at one point delivered six issues a year, and was available both in print and online from 2002 until 2006. While it was active it meant to create conversation around legal affairs. Online you can find an archive of the magazine.
Also archived on the site are debates about campaign finance, the future of federal sentencing, the benefits of special counsels, and many more fascinating topics. They are worth investigating if you are a lawyer, or have even a mild interest in debating law. Although the material is dated, the legal system is always influenced by its past incarnations, and so there is still value in this magazine and its archives.
If you are in search of a quality legal business magazine, you can find many that are specific to certain regions in the United States, and even a few that cover international law. Most standard newspapers also incorporate a legal section into their magazines, so do not forget to check in with your favorite general interest newspapers and magazines.