Going through a divorce can certainly be a trying time, one that is stressful and often costly. But a low cost divorce attorney can help to make the divorce process and subsequent legal minefield as stress free as possible. In fact, a low cost divorce attorney can help you get back to your regular life, your new normal, so to speak, in as seamless a manner as they can.
Divorce is not uncommon, unfortunately. There are a number of risk factors for divorce, as well. For instance, if you dated less than a year before getting engaged, you have a heightened chance of eventually filing for divorce. Couples who dated for at least three years if not more before getting engaged were far less likely to split up after they got married. Nearly 20% of all couples who get divorced do so simply because of incompatibility, but drug use and abuse can also cause divorces (around ten percent of all divorces happen due to drug or alcohol abuse). Infidelity in the relationship is the leading cause of divorce, and causes over 20% of all split ups and divorces in married couples. Family and couples therapists will also speak to this, with many of them citing infidelity as a major reason for a divorce to occur. In fact, couples therapists concur that around half of their caseloads are couples seeking treatment after cheating and infidelity.
A divorce lawyer is key in navigating a divorce, as a low cost divorce attorney can help to mediate as well as look out for your best interests. Divorces are, unfortunately, not always without contention, but a low cost divorce attorney can help to advise you through the process. A low cost divorce attorney is particularly vital in divorces where custody of children is involved. Family law issues are common in many divorces involving children, and a low cost divorce attorney can help to keep legal proceedings from becoming overly contentious. In fact, only around 30% of custody cases can be resolved without the involvement of a third party, so the presence of a divorce lawyer or a family law provider is often critical. This is doubly reinforced by the fact that only around 5% of all custody cases were able to be fully dealt with after only a custody evaluation.
A divorce can be an incredibly stressful time, but a low cost divorce attorney can help to make the process as simple as possible. A low cost divorce attorney can help you make sure that you are treated fairly, helping to navigate contentious issues like custody and the like.