Sound debt collection tips


Debt collection solution

“i do not want debt collection solutions,” said no one ever. More likely most anyone, whether in the business or not, would be interested in learning more about do it yourself debt settlement. Are you currently in the market for bad debt recovery, business debt recovery, debt recovery solutions or debt settlement solutions?

Most people are aware that debt becomes bad debt when the creditor has made what they deem “all reasonable efforts” to collect but has but failed in doing so. In response, the debt collection company writes off bad debt as an expense, an action which reduces its taxable income. However, doing this also deprives the company of cash flow that is ultimately necessary to keep it open for business.

If seeking a debt collection solution is your business then listen up. As a general rule when seeking a debt collection solution, do not leave more than one phone message per day for a debtor. And toward this end also never leave messages that threaten the debtor or contain statements that put will the debtor in a bad light. Be careful to stay professional and never demeaning.

If you have an account to contact that is fairly large and remains unpaid for an extended period (say six months or so) and you are doubtful about ever collecting on the particular debt, consider offering in writing a time limited, deep discount of some sort to help resolve the matter.

A debt collection solution is increasingly difficult In the case of a debtors bankruptcy, and in this case you cannot send correspondence to the business regarding their debt.


  1. Roy Miller

    I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  2. I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  3. I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  4. Dustin Morgan

    I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  5. Freddie Wolfe

    I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  6. KEnnedy Lyons

    I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  7. Clarence Walsh

    I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  8. I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  9. I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

  10. I could not agree more. Harassing or making the matter personal between the debtor never solves anything. Like I heard coming up, “its better to attract bees with honey than vinegar.

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