Are courts wrongfully taking children away from their fathers? Does society accept fathers’ increasingly involved roles? Some suggest that courts continue to favor women in custodial battles — and often to the detriment of fathers able and willing to raise their children. Studies from the Pew Research Center, however, suggest the opposite is true. In fact, today’s courts are more likely rule in favor of the most qualified parent, regardless of gender.
“The number of single fathers has risen ninefold since demographers began measuring it more than 50 years ago,” The Huffington Post adds. Here are some reasons for fathers to celebrate — and some ongoing struggles:
Courts Take Gender Out of the Equation
The Huffington Post describe single and married fathers’ modern outlook: “They are, arguably, where women were a decade ago in their awareness that they want a different life/work equation but are not yet sure what theirs should be. They also want a different relationship with their children than their own fathers were expected to have.” The New York Times reports that at least 50% of men campaigning for sole custody are successful.
Uncontested divorce with children, however, remains a messy process. Men are encouraged to speak to child custody attorneys; divorce attorneys for men bring relevant experience and knowledge to the courtroom.
Society Continues to Circulate Troubling Stereotypes
According to the U.S. Census, 189,000 men remained at home to act as the primary caregiver for their children in 2012. The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse elaborates, “These married fathers with children younger than 15 have remained out of the labor force for at least one year primarily so they can care for the family while their wives work outside the home.” Society, however, continues to respond unfairly to stay-at-home fathers.
Facebook employee Tom Stocky describes his experience during a four month paternity leave: “What I never got used to was the double-standard for fathers when it comes to childcare. I experienced it predominantly in three forms: (1) low expectations for fathers, (2) negative perceptions of working mothers, and (3) negative perceptions of ‘non-working’ fathers. (Side note, the term ‘working mothers’ is bad because it implies at-home mothers aren’t working, which is of course not true, but I don’t know a better term to use.)”
Studies show that fathers continue to play an increasingly significant role in children’s lives, even with some societal backlash. Talk to divorce attorneys for men about fair custody arrangements for your children. Visit here for more information.